
Natural & authentic herbs use in each Islahi Wellness product that make us unique.

Our products have been successful in helping millions of people cope and get better, naturally. Islahi Wellness Products has been licensed and approved by Drug Licensing Authority, Directorate of Indian Systems of Medicine and Unanipathy the nodal department of the Government of India.

+91- 996 75 52 866

C7 Dawrika Puri Bldg.,
LBS Marg, Kurla West,
Mumbai 400070

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Sexona Gold


Ideal for relaxes muscles found in the walls of blood vessels and increases strength to particular areas of the body.
Sexona Gold is used to treat erect issue and early ejaculation in men.

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Why Sexona Gold

Erect problem in men and early ejaculation is easy to cure by Unani pathy. It relaxes muscles found in the walls of blood vessels and increases strength to particular areas of the body. Sexona Gold is also used to treat poor concentration and improve performance stamina in men.

Today its very common problem in men. Many are suffering from erect problem and early ejaculation. Its seriously effects anxiety, sleeplessness and many more psychological imbalance.


Erect Problem
Early Ejaculation
Increase Body Strength

Sexona Gold Ingridents

JAIFAL Myristica fragrance
ASGAND Winter cherry
ASPAND Syrian-kue
MOOCHRAS Slik cotton tree gum
TAJ QALMI Cassia lignea
SATAWAR Asparagus

Please consult your physician to prescribe the dosage that best suits your condition.

For best results, the following points should be kept in mind.
• Moderate physical activity for about 20 minutes, 3-4 times a week is a must
• Eat small, frequent meals with dinner being the lightest meal
• Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily
• Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and drink more fresh juices
• Cut down on mentally stress, alcohol and other fatty foods

Islahi Dawakhana has been in the business of bringing to the world the benefits of Unani Herbal in a manner that is convenient to use in our chaotic lifestyles! Whether it is Hypertension or Stress induced ailments, our products have been successful in helping millions of people cope and get better, naturally.
Our product has been licensed and approved by the Office of the Drug Licensing Authority, Directorate of Indian Systems of Medicine and Unanipathy which is nodal department of the Government of India for licensing of Unani products.
All the above mentioned actions are effected by specific herbs found in nature which have been identified through exhaustive research at Islahi Dawakhana’s R&D Centre.